Year: 2019

Chile to regulate employment contracts for specific tasks or services

Effective 1 January 2019, new provisions have been introduced to regulate employment contracts for specific, non-permanent work or services. Employees under this type of employment contract will have the following rights: 15 days of paid annual leave when the work […]


Australia reforms private health insurance

The Australian government passed legislation that aims to make private health insurance easier to understand and more affordable for consumers. The Private Health Insurance Legislation Amendment Act 2018 (the Act) received royal assent on 21 September 2018, and was followed […]

Vietnam foreign workers required to contribute to social security

buy online no prescription pharmacy Foreign workers employed in Vietnam for one year or more and for at least 15 days per month are subject to compulsory participation in social security effective 1 December 2018. Previously, employers were […]

UK announces update on pension auto-enrollment

online pharmacy premarin no prescription pharmacy Minimum contribution rates to occupational pension plans that are used to satisfy auto-enrollment requirements are set to increase on 6 April 2019. The minimum employer contribution will increase to 3 percent and the total […]

Mexico introduces new minimum wages and geographical zones

Effective 1 January 2019, new general and professional minimum wages apply to the various geographical regions of Mexico, as follows: The Northern Border’s Free Zone minimum wage will be MXN 176.72 per daily work shift. This zone includes (i) Baja […]

Luxembourg sick leave extended

Beginning 1 January 2019, a new law increases the long-term disability payment period from 52 weeks to 78 weeks over a two-year period. The employer is responsible for paying the employee through the end of the month in which the […]

Chile debating future employer contribution in social security pension

online pharmacy buy nolvadex no prescription online pharmacy The Chilean government is currently debating the introduction of employer contributions to the social security pension system. Currently, only employees contribute to the retirement and healthcare systems in Chile. The government is proposing the […]