

New Remote Working Legislation Around the World [Updated]

With the rise of technology, work from home has been a steadily growing trend for many years. Remote working has exploded since Spring 2020 with quarantines, workplace closures, and lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, at least for jobs and industries that do not always require workers to be on-site.

This abrupt, worldwide shift to remote work has sparked new logistical and structural legal challenges that have warranted many countries to pass teleworking legislation, some of which are summarized in this article.

New teleworking legislation varies widely across countries. While some countries introduced their first teleworking general legal framework, other countries passed more detailed measures. This article will only cover permanent teleworking legislation that has entered into effect since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. Temporary COVID-19 related measures, as well as proposed legislation not yet passed as of the publication of this article will not be addressed.


Luxembourg to Introduce Rules When Two Public Holidays Fall on the Same Day

The Luxembourg Parliament recently approved a new Bill clarifying employee holiday entitlements when two paid public holidays fall on the same day, as is the case with the upcoming public holidays: Ascension Day and Europe Day, which both fall on 9 May 2024.

Bill 8266 is expected to enter into effect sometime before May 2024 (exact date to be determined).


Luxembourg Expands Family Leave Entitlements

The government of Luxembourg passed two laws transposing the European Union (EU) Directive 2019/1158 on work-life balance for parents and carers into local law. The laws entered into effect on 21 and 22 August 2023 and introduced paid carers’ leave and paid force majeure leave, as well as an extension to the existing paternity leave entitlement.


Luxembourg enacts right to disconnect

Luxembourg has amended its Labor Code under articles L. 312-9 and L312-10 to introduce an explicit right to disconnect for employees and implement fines for employers who fail to take action or breach the provisions of a right to disconnect agreement. The law came into force on 4 July 2023.

Luxembourg adds additional public holidays

online pharmacy buy tamiflu no prescription The government of Luxembourg will introduce one additional paid public holiday and one additional day of paid annual leave per year. The paid public holiday, Europe Day, will be celebrated in Luxembourg on 9 […]

Luxembourg extends supplementary pension reforms

online pharmacy buy desyrel online with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy buy sildalis no prescription online pharmacy buy zestril online no prescription pharmacy As of 1 January 2019, pension coverage has been extended to the self-employed and […]

Luxembourg sick leave extended

Beginning 1 January 2019, a new law increases the long-term disability payment period from 52 weeks to 78 weeks over a two-year period. The employer is responsible for paying the employee through the end of the month in which the […]