Month: September 2023


Israel Introduces a Health Insurance Reform

The government of Israel recently introduced a health insurance reform establishing a comprehensive Private Medical Insurance (PMI) framework that creates a uniform structure for basic health policy.
The new circular entered into effect on 1 May 2023.

Oman Extends Social Security Benefits to Foreign Workers

The government of Oman recently issued Royal Decree 52/2023 (the “New Law”) promulgating the Social Protection Law, which extends certain social protection benefits—including maternity leave, paternity leave, work injury, and sick leave—to foreign workers.
The New Law is effective from 20 July 2023, but its provisions will enter into effect on different dates between July 2023 and July 2026. Companies will receive additional guidance via the implementing regulations expected to be released in the coming months.


Argentina Introduces a One-Time Tax-Free Allowance

On 31 August 2023, the Argentinian government passed Emergency Decree 438/23 mandating private and public sector employers pay employees earning ARS 400,000 or less a one-time tax-free allowance of up to ARS 60,000. The exact, final amount will depend on the employee’s net monthly salary.

The allowance must be paid in two equal installments: the first installment must be paid within 15 days from 31 August 2023 and the second installment must be paid with the salary of the month of September 2023.


Romania Adds a Public Holiday for 2024

The Romanian government recently passed a new law introducing two additional annual paid public holidays on 6 January and 7 January for the feast days of the Epiphany and Saint John the Baptist, respectively.

Law no. 52/2023 entered into effect on 9 March 2023 and the new public holidays will apply to all employees in Romania starting from 2024.


Australia expands unpaid parental leave entitlements

On 22 June 2023, the Australian government passed the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023 expanding unpaid parental leave entitlements to ease leave restrictions on employee couples.


France Enhances Leave Entitlements for Working Parents of Children Suffering from a Disability or a Serious Health Condition

The French government recently passed amendments to the Labor Code increasing government-paid bereavement leave following the passing of an employee’s child, as well as government-paid leave that may be taken following the diagnosis of a child’s disability or serious health condition.
The amendments entered into effect on 19 July 2023.