

France merges private sector supplementary pension plans

On 1 January 2019, the General Association of Retirement Institutions for Executives (AGIRC) and the Association of Supplemental Pension Plans for Employees (ARRCO) merged into a single unified program called “AGRIC-ARRCO.” The unified mandatory supplementary plan is now managed by […]


France to implement pay-as-you-earn income tax withholding

After some delay, the French government will require employers to withhold income tax from employees’ earnings on a pay-as-you-earn basis starting 1 January 2019. This will be a significant change for both employers and employees, as income tax is currently […]

France announces gender pay gap monitoring software

The French government announced a three-year plan to require companies to erase their gender pay gaps or face possible fines. Under the plan, companies will be required to install special software that directly connects to their payroll systems to monitor […]