Year: 2018

Kuwait passes early retirement law

The National Assembly of Kuwait has passed an early retirement law granting full social security retirement benefits to insured men who have worked for 30 years and women who have worked for 25 years, regardless of their age. The law […]

Italy passes “Dignity Decree”

On 13 July 2018, the Italian Government passed the “Dignity Decree,” which was converted into law No. 96/2018 on 11 August 2018. The key changes include:  The maximum length of fixed-term contracts decreased from 36 months to 24 months with […]

Germany updates mortality reference tables

On 20 July 2018, an update of mortality reference tables (Heubeck 2018 G), were released by Heubeck AG – the firm that has published mortality tables used for the valuation of German pension obligations since 1948. The report shows lower […]

South Africa

South Africa radically changing health insurance

Updated 4 September 2019 The National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill is currently being discussed by the South African Parliament’s health portfolio committee before being published for public comment. Interested parties will have until 11 October 2019 to make written submissions […]


Egypt to implement major labor law reform

The government of Egypt has introduced a new labor law providing greater job security and employment rights protections for private sector and nongovernmental organization employees. The proposed law amends several labor laws, including the current labor code (Law No.12 of […]


Austria implements a new working time act

The Austrian parliament passed a new law regulating working time in July 2018. The law gives businesses more flexibility by extending the existing maximum working time (including overtime) from 10 to 12 hours per day and from 50 to 60 […]

Australia requires bargaining representatives disclose requirements

New legislation that took effect at the end of January 2018 requires bargaining representatives to disclose to employees in detail any personal financial benefits arising from enterprise agreements before they are voted on. Noncompliance with the new disclosure requirement could […]

United Arab Emirates modifies part-time work rights

Ministerial Resolution No. 31 of 2018 allowed national and foreign employees to take several part-time jobs within the 48-hours-per-week limit. Permission from the original employer to take another part-time job is no longer required. Employers cannot use noncompete clauses or […]