Year: 2022


Ireland to introduce the right to request remote working

The Irish government recently published a bill introducing a legal framework establishing a right to request remote working and the management of such requests by employers. The draft scheme of the Right to Request Remote Work Bill 2022 (the “Draft […]


France introduces gender equality requirements

The French government passed a new law amending several existing gender equality laws. Law 2021-1774, known as the “Rixain” law, intensifies gender equality reporting obligations specifically for senior executives (cadres dirigeants) and board members in large corporations with more than […]


Japan to reform defined contribution pension plan [Updated]

Update: The new legislation passed and will enter into effect starting 1 December 2024. The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare recently published a proposal aimed at reforming defined contribution (DC) plans by raising DC contribution sub-limits and relaxing individual […]


Denmark to equalize family leave entitlements between parents

The Danish parliament recently adopted a bill introducing a new parental leave model equalizing family leave entitlements between both parents, including same-sex couples. The bill is expected to enter into effect on 2 August 2022, and apply to births from […]


Multiple Chinese provinces extend family leave benefits

Following the promulgation of the three-child policy on 31 May 2021, multiple local Chinese governments amended their family-related leave policies to address the decreased fertility rate and aging of the population. Family-related leave regulations have been amended in multiple provinces […]


Ontario amends employment-related laws

The government of Ontario passed the omnibus Bill 27, Working for Workers Act, 2021 (the “Act”), which amends a number of employment-related laws. The most notable changes addressed in this article include the requirement to implement a right to disconnect […]


Ireland introduces new public holidays

The Irish government recently announced the introduction of: online pharmacy no prescription pharmacy A one-off public holiday on Friday, 18 March 2022, to honor COVID-19 workers and victims online pharmacy buy spiriva online no prescription A permanent public holiday […]