
Australia increases superannuation contribution rate and concessional contribution caps [Updated]

On 1 July 2021, the Australian government increased the superannuation guarantee contribution rate by 0.5% to 10% on earnings up to the new maximum contribution base of AUD 58,920 per quarter. The concessional contribution cap has also increased to AUD 27,500. The increases will help stimulate Australia’s post-pandemic economy and support a better retirement for eligible workers.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica to introduce paternity leave and other special leaves

The Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica recently approved a reform to the labor code creating paid paternity leave for a total of eight days and special paid leaves including an adoption leave, a care leave and breastfeeding breaks.
The bill is expected to be enacted into law once signed by the Costa Rican president and published in the official gazette


Norway extends pension scheme access

The Norwegian government passed new legislation introducing the right for all employees (including low-paid workers and part-time employees) to participate in their employer’s existing private occupational pension scheme.

The legislation entered into effect on 1 January 2022, with an adjustment period to allow for gradual implementation by 30 June 2022.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong to abolish mandatory provident fund offsetting arrangement against severance and long service payments

The Hong Kong government recently introduced a new bill abolishing the use of employers’ mandatory contributions under the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) to offset severance payments and long service payments payable to employees upon termination of employment.

The Employment and Retirement Schemes Legislation (Offsetting Arrangement) (Amendment) Bill 2022 has not passed into law yet and is not expected to enter into effect before 2025. The offsetting arrangements will be abolished from a date (“transition date”) to be appointed after the bill is passed into law (no retroactive effect will apply).


Mexico introduces new amendments to Mexican Federal Labor Law

The Mexican government recently published two decrees amending several provisions of the Mexican Federal Labor Law to allow all employees to take necessary unpaid time off to participate in the country’s presidential “revocation of mandate” process and to mandate employers to consider the use of technology and other creative work tools when the nature of employees’ work may result in their death or serious health issues. The decrees entered into effect on 28 April 2022.


Argentina introduces new on-site day care mandate

The Argentinian government recently introduced Decree No. 144/2022 mandating that employers with more than 100 employees establish on-site day care for employees’ young children between the ages of 45 days and 3 years. The on-site day care mandate will be effective on 23 March 2023.


Egypt to introduce a new labor law

The Egyptian Senate recently approved a draft labor law that would create new benefits and expand existing benefits for employees. Some provisions include increasing maternity leave, creating a new severance requirement and increasing sick leave benefits. draft law will need to be approved by both houses of Parliament and signed by the president before entering into effect. If passed, the draft labor law would replace the current labor law of 2003.

New Zealand

New Zealand introduces an additional public holiday

The New Zealand government passed new legislation introducing a 12th public holiday to commemorate Matariki. The new public holiday aims at honoring those who have lost their lives since the last rising of Matariki as well as celebrating the present and looking forward to the future. The legislation entered into effect on 6 April 2022. In 2022, the additional holiday will fall on 24 June 2022.

Romania introduces a four-day workweek option

The Romanian government recently introduced a proposal aimed at boosting private sector employees’ work-life balance and increasing productivity by giving employees the option to ask their employers for a four-day workweek. The proposed amendment to the Romanian labor code still needs to be debated in the senate and discussed by the Chamber of Deputies before it is passed. The implementation date of this change will depend on the length of the legislative process.